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Healthy Living for Seniors: 10 Best Tips

Knowing how healthy living for seniors can be achieved is VERY important. Today you’re worried about what you’re eating or maybe you’re wondering: how to maintain good health in old age?
Look no further, we did the hard work for you: we put together the best tips that lead to healthy living for seniors

It’s important for anyone to pay attention to what they eat, especially when there are specific restrictions to your diet. When preparing or choosing a meal, it can be tough to reduce sugar, fat, and sodium and still retain the flavors we all love. The good news is that there are great nutritional resources available now more than ever that will help you to stay healthy AND happy as a senior!

You are what you eat: Healthy living for seniors starts in the kitchen.

In addition to the advice of doctors and nutritional professionals, there’s an endless supply of recipes and even meal plans that can be found on the internet, while doing research on healthy eating. Here are a handful of ways in which seniors can practice or improve their healthy eating lifestyle.

10 tips for an older person about promoting a healthy lifestyle

  1. healthy living starts with drinking water

    Drinking water is a great way to make sure your body is receiving all the care it deserves!

    Stay hydrated. As simple as this tip might seem, it’s one of the most crucial. Every cell, organ, and tissue in your body is counting on water to help them work properly. In addition to drinking water, herbal tea and vegetable or fruit juices can supply a substantial amount of hydration. A simple start towards a healthy living for seniors!

  2. Read the nutrition facts labels. Sometimes, food packaging can be deceiving. Make sure you take the extra time to look at the nutrition facts label at the grocery store when purchasing food. Pay attention to the serving size and how many servings you are actually eating. Also, if someone is sent to the grocery store on behalf of the senior, make sure they know of any dietary restrictions/recommendations that are specific to that person.
  3. Keep it colorful. Have you ever been told that it’s best to have more color on your plate? Think green, orange, red, and purple when it comes to veggies and fruit.
  4. Choose foods that are high in fiber. To help control and regulate the speed of digestion, choose the foods that are perfect companions in this area, such as: split peas, lentils, lima beans, black beans artichokes, broccoli, peas, raspberries, brussel sprouts, avocados, blackberries, bran flakes, pears, pearled barley, whole-wheat pasta, and oatmeal. (You can also add flaxseed meal to smoothies, yogurt and baked goods to help with digestion).
  5. Remember to incorporate Vitamin D

    Incorporating calcium-rich foods (including dairy, nuts, leafy greens and fish) into your diet helps to build and protect your bones.

    . For aging adults, it’s highly recommended to include Vitamin D in their diets, as it’s important for muscle and bone function and preservation. It has been said that Vitamin D can actually assist in fall and osteoporotic fracture prevention, leading to less visits to the emergency room. Vitamin D can be obtained through supplements, food, and a little old-fashioned exposure to sunlight.

  6. Limit sodium intake. Hypertension (high blood pressure) can be lowered or avoided by consuming food that is lower in sodium, such as fresh or frozen fruits, dry beans, unsalted nuts, grains, brown rice, and oats. Be careful when eating out, as some restaurant-prepared meals can be loaded in sodium without you knowing it.
  7. Don’t rush. There are many studies that show eating slowly can be beneficial to the body. Think: smaller bites + slower eating + more chewing = better digestion! Eating nutritious meal should be a marathon, not a sprint.
  8. Consider probiotics. Gut health is important at any age. Some benefits of taking probiotics include increased levels of bifidobacteria, reduction of constipation, and enhanced immunity. Probiotics are available in foods, such as milk, juices, soy beverages and yogurt.
  9. Eat with a friend. For seniors, it can be beneficial to combat malnutrition by eating with a friend or family member. In social settings, aging adults tend to eat more and make better food choices. Plus. laughter and conversation can make a meal much more enjoyable.
  10. Don’t forget your Omega 3’s. Eating foods that are high in Omega-3’s, such as fish and nuts, does wonders for the body. Not only is it known to decrease chances for heart disease and stroke, but it can improve general brain function, including memory and Parkinson’s disease.

    healthy living can happen together

    Turn your meal times into a time for socializing! It’s always nice to have company.

With the right resources, a healthy lifestyle can be obtainable no matter what your age. For some seniors, it’s important to have a caregiver who knows their nutritional needs, inside and out. Please contact one of our  Helper Bees for more information on receiving quality care in your own home. A healthier you is around the corner!




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